Monday, 4 December 2017

Windows Interviews questions

Q During a Windows Server 2012 installation, the Setup program copies the files for all of the operating system components from the installation medium into a directory. What is that directory named?
A WinSxS

Q What role of Windows Server 2012 enables administrators to manage image files that remote workstations can use to start up and install Windows over the network?
A Windows Deployment Services

Q What command line utility can you use to join a computer to a domain when the computer does not have a working network connection to any of the domain controllers for that domain?
A djoin

Q What are the first three bytes of every MAC address range usable in the Virtual Switch Manager?
A 00-15-5D

Q Does Windows Server 2012 allow Remote Desktop connections by default?
A No

Q On network does Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) assign IPv4 addresses?

Q Which feature of Windows Server 2012 enables administrators to combine the bandwidth of multiple network interface adapters, providing increased performance and fault tolerance?
A NIC Teaming

Q What type of DNS record is used to store IP address to name mappings used for reverse lookups?

Q Which Windows service do you need to start manually from the Services console before you can use AppLocker?
A Application Identity

Q What feature of Windows Server 2012 enables a server to concatenate storage space from individual physical disks and allocate that space to create virtual disks of any size supported by the hardware?
A Storage Spaces

Q What Windows utility enables clients running Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 to accept policy-based printer deployments?
A PushPrinterConnections.exe

Q How many virtual network adapters can you create on a Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V server?
A Eight synthetic adapters and four emulated adapters

Q Which print sharing option minimizes resource utilization on the print server by forcing the print clients to perform the bulk of the print processing?
A Render Print Jobs On Client Computers

Q How many logical processors are supported by Microsoft Windows Server 2012?
A 640

Q What command-line utility is required to create the domain controller installation media that includes a copy of the AD DS database so that you can use the Install From Media (IFM) option in the Active Directory Domain Services Configuration Wizard?
A ntdsutil.exe

Q How many Volume Shadow Copies does Windows Server 2012 support?
A 64

Q Which editions of Microsoft Windows Server 2012 include the Hyper-V role ?
A Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 Standard

Q What are the four editions of Windows Server 2012?
A Windows Server 2012 Datacenter
  • Windows Server 2012 Essentials
  • Windows Server 2012 Foundation
  • Windows Server 2012 Standard

Q What is not one of the Storage Layout options supported by Windows Server 2012?
Q What feature gives Windows Server 2012 the ability to retrieve source files for a feature from another location, such as from an image file ?
A Features on Demand

Q How many physical disks are required to support the Parity storage layout?
A 3

Q What is the correct term for a DNS client?
A Resolver


Q Utility To Configure (Core) Server parameter using powershell ?
A sconfig

Q What PowerShell command would you use to get a list of roles and features installed on a computer running Windows Server 2012?
A Get-WindowsFeature

Q What PowerShell command would you use to install the Hyper-V role on a computer running Microsoft Windows Server 2012?
A Install-WindowsFeature -Name Hyper-V -ComputerName <name> -IncludeManagementTools -Restart
Q Which two PowerShell commands could you use to install a role or feature on a computer running Windows Server 2012?
A Add-WindowsFeature

Q PowerShell Command to install DHCP roles ?
A Install-WindowsFeature -Name DHCP -Restart

QPowershell Command to install or ADD DNS roles ?
A Add-WindowsFeature -Name DNS -Restart

QPowershell Command to install FailOver-Clustering ?
A Install-WindowsFeature Failover-Clustering

Q Powershell command to install FailOver-clustering including Management Tools?
Ainstall-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools

Q What PowerShell command would you use to join a computer to a domain?
A netdom join %ComputerName% /domain:/userd:/passwordd:*

Q What PowerShell command would you use to promote a computer running Windows Server 2012 to an Active Directory Domain Controller and make that new Domain Controller responsible for a new forest?
A Install-AddsForest -DomainName “

Q What PowerShell command would you use to demote a domain controller?
A Uninstall-ADDSDomainController –ForceRemoval –LocalAdministratorPassword <password> –Force

Q What PowerShell command would you use to convert a Windows Server 2012 Server Core installation to the full GUI option?
A Install-WindowsFeature Server-Gui-Mgmt-Infra,Server-Gui-Shell -Restart

Q what powershell command to restart a computer ?
A restart-computer

Q Explain with an example how you can map a network drive in PowerShell?
A # PowerShell Map Network Drive
$Net = $( New – Object – ComObject Wscript.Network )
$Net.MapNetworkDrive( “S:”, \\expert\guru99 )

Q Explain how you can find in PowerShell that all the sql services are on one server?
A There are two ways to do this
  • get-wmiobject win32_service l where-object {$_name-like “*sql*”}
  • get-service sql*
Q What is the code to find the name of the installed application on the current computer?
A Get-WmiObject-Class Win32_Product- ComputerName . | Format-wide-column1

Q Explain how you can rename a variable?
A To rename a variable,
Rename-Item- Path Env: MyVariable –NewName MyRenamedVar

Q Explain how you can convert the object into HTML?
A To convert the object into HTML
Get-Process l Sort-object – property CPU –descending l convert to – HTML l Out-file “process.html”

Q How many shared printers are shared on a print server ?
A $(Get-WmiObject win32_printer -ComputerName "Your Print Server Name" |? {$_.Shared -eq $True}).count

Q Powershell command to get Print Queue Count ?
A$(Get-WmiObject win32_printer -ComputerName "Your Print Server Name" |? {$_.Shared -eq $True}).count

Q To Install FailOver Clustering Feature Using Power Shell ?
A Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering -IncludeManagementTools

Q To Import FailOver Clustering Modules ?
A Import-Module FailoverClusters

Q To Confirm Failover Clustering Modules imported Successfully ?
A Get-Module -ListAvailable

LDAP & Active Directory:

Q What are all the Active Directory Partitions?
Application partition

Q What is NETLOGON folder?
Netlogon folder contain logon/logoff/startup/shutdown scripts which is inside the Sysvol folder

Q What is junction point ?
Answer: Junction point:
1> It is a physical location on a hard disk that points to data that is located elsewhere on the hard disk or on another storage device.
2> Junction points look like folders and behave like folders but they are not folders.
3> A junction point contains a link to another folder.
4> When a program opens it, the junction point automatically redirects the program to the folder to which the junction point is linked

Q Command to force Sysvol Replication on 2008 & 2012 using Dfsrdiag SyncNow command
Answer: Dfsrdiag syncnow /rgname:”domain system volume” /partner:dc2 /time:1 /verbose

Q Command to force Replication of others folders on 2008 & 2012 using Dfsrdiag SyncNow command
Answer: Dfsrdiag SyncNow /partner:dfsserver2 /rgname:domainname\app\folder1 /member:dfsserver1 /time:5

Q Command to force replication of Active Directory
Answer: c:\Dfsrdiag PollAD (This command should be run on the Destination server)

Q Utility to Force Sysvol Reaolication in 2003/2000
Answer: ntfrsutl forcerepl [Computer] /r [SetName] /p [DnsName]

Q To force Sysvol Replication ?
Answer: Restart FRS Service

Q What is DFSR ?
Answer: SYSVOL replication using DFS is called DFS-Replicated SYSVOL (DFSR)

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