hal.dll error recovery in windows

To repair system with error hal.dll file missing

Step 1:> Enter into first repair option through win XP CD.
 Note: There are various reasons of hal.dll error:
          a> Hard disk damaged
          b> Internet explorer 8
          c> Hal.dll file missing or corrupted
If you are able to enter into first repair mode then hard disk is ok.

Step2:>Type 1 & enter into C:\Windows

Step3:> Go to D or E drive which is your cdrom drive.

Step4:> Type cd i386 and press enter

Step5>  D:\i386>expand hal.dl_  c:\Windows\system32\

               if the file is missing you will get

              expanded  file hal.dll
              if the file is corrupted

If you're prompted to overwrite the file, press Y.

Step6:>Take out the Windows XP CD, type exit and then press Enter to restart your PC.

To recover some data from damaged disk synchronizing only for 5-10 minutes with hal.dll error
Note: If the disk contains two partitions C & D then data from D drive can be recovered

step1:>Attach that damaged disk as a secondary disk into a linux operating system

step2:>Type command fdisk -l
            you will get partition information of both the disks

step3:>Format the C drive partition of seconadry disk. The steps are as follows:

         a: fdisk -l
         b  fdisk /dev/sdb
         c  Type d: it will ask to enter the partition number to delete
         d   Enter 1: Partition  1will be deleted
              after deleting the partition created the new partition and format into ext3 or in vfat.
          or you can change the file  system also
            type t: Enter the partion number
            type L: Press enter & then choose which filesystem you want vfat or ext3
        and the format the partition
        example: mkfs.vfat -I  /dev/sdb1
 type  w: to save & quit
enter partprobe
Step 4:> Remove the disk and check in the system having windows. It will you the second partition with some crucial data.

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